Lol syn do u even pk? They dictate all kinds of dumbass shit as is. What would really be the difference? An improvement to gameplay. That's it. Damn. Nope. We cant do that!!
This is literally the most broken friend mode wilderness I've ever seen. But whatever.
The only reason people are here is because there is (VIRTUALLY) no other choice. This is the only server that the full playerbase can trust with their info.
Cant trust em to make good decisions regarding general gameplay. But u can trust ur CC isnt being sold on the dark web. (Aside from open, but they're very small 1x authentic, not private server like, Good fellas tho.)
Why do u think the playerbase jumps ship every opportunity? Cuz the gameplay here is GOD AWFUL.. and sadly... it just keeps getting worse and worse. But it's the only viable source as is. But no. Dont make positive changes..
Im sure its tons of fun having to jail all chars who havent logged in XX days because they jump ship every opportunity, even to untrusted sources.. when such simple things could be done to improve it..
I come back in May. Since then, the great majority of updates pushed had NO PVP updates at all.
The 2% that did..... they took GREAT, WELL THOUGHT OUT IDEAS and put a DUMB TWIST on them that they come up with in 10mins. With half of those times the idea they come up with was directly expressed that it is something that completely be avoided doing.
Or that it needs to be done in a particular sequence.
If it is
1 2 3 4 5..
Rev does
4 2 3 5 1..
And that just the really unfortunate truths.