-Loading screen has been fixed, so that it is not stuck on the first process
-Controls for android have been remade from scratch, to give you a better gameplay experience. Controls are now more responsive!
-Pinch to zoom added
-2 finger swipe to rotate camera mode option, and 1 finger also which is default.
-New settings for Android:

-Improvements to the world map! Pinch to zoom!

Client Core
-Added an optional setting for 'Drop All' for inventory items.
-Settings interface has been given some improvements.

-Sidebar has been given a bit of a makeover.

-Fixed Wilderness pop up warning being unable to be closed if you had any interface open.
-Banking scrollbar has been fixed for desktop version.
-Fixed being able to click through chat scroll bar
-Minimap walk destination marker has been added.

-Poison hit-splat implemented to indicate poison damage.

-Fixed Poison effect not working properly for majority of melee weapons.
-Cleaned up & Optimized poisoning code.
-Fixed dragon dagger poison effect inflicting poison damage for every time re-poisoned.
Poison effect power will now reset upon re-poisoning instead of resetting timer + inflicting poison damage.
-Changed the formula for PvP poison effect power, it's now set to 6.
-Npc vs Player and Player VS Npc formula is still npc hitpoints divided by 10.
Arrows already did work correctly, but weapons ( daggers ) were broken.