First time playing rs since 2002

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Unas420 Send PM


Posts: 1

Hello everyone I played this game initially right around the time the member service was activated but before the fatigue system was implemented. I have fond memories of the varack marketplace when it was so packed good luck trying to find the person selling coal certs and pk'ers leading noobs  into the wilderness for an easy grief. I was never very rich i mainly fished lobster to sell to buy coal to raise my smithing level. Ironic how all these new games the one I want to play most is an early 2000s java game.

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N E 1 P K Send PM


Posts: 105

@gre@@blu@@red@press 111 to buy my coal!@red@blu@gre@

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Trupk3r Send PM


Posts: 949

selling coal 555555555555 to buy

Ex RSCRevolution Moderator.