Hi I am wondering why my alt is lol 8 str I've been on it for a day now been berry careful not to get any other xp then def and mage..... I don't have the irl cash for a gold sub cuz dogs and family come first and I can't make gp fast enough to get a gold sub..... I haven't trained str look at all the recordings of my acct..... Nannymcfee I have 34 def and mage all other stats r lvl 1 help me please.... If u can't help me. That's if u guys r nice..... Thx-nictj94@Gmail.com thanks
I see you asked to join a HS party, and do not have shared xp turned off. How close to you were other party members? That is where the XP came from. I will see Billy gets the link to this post when he is online.