fix please/absurd pricing

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eclectic Send PM


Posts: 9

1) when you cast on someone and they have ::logout ready and type it as you cast them cast,  you also get logged out... complete bs.. fix please..

also lower the prices on buying rights already... it is counterproductive to both staking and pking... who the fk wants to drop 10million on a build that may or may not work on a cb system that isn't even on point.. or worked on.

at least lower the cost so we can afford multiple characters... even 100 million gp only buys you 10 characters with rights.. why is staff having such absurd prices on rights.. let us stake and pk please.

we'd have far more stakers and far more p2p pking if prices were not absurd.

I've even sank 10million into a build for staking and then the cb system got changed.. such a waste

Last edited by eclectic (13 Jun 2018 20:50)

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tadas Send PM


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Synbios Send PM


Posts: 406

That and/or allow rights to be transferable? To prevent abuse, when you transfer rights from one character to another the original character gets their stats wiped completely. You can't just throw them back and forth as you please. OR you keep your stats but you cannot return the rights to a character that already had them unless you buy them all over again.

I mean honestly, there's no reason to get completely screwed out of so much GP just because you found out your build sucks or the combat system changes.

Last edited by Synbios (14 Jun 2018 01:16)

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Badboy666 Send PM


From: Montréal
Posts: 491

+1 I prefer doing quests atm than paying those high prices on many alts.  It's faster questing than gathering 10M for each account.

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w4rmachine Send PM


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I'm all for nostalgia, but I've done every quest in the game literally dozens of times over the past 17y. Legend's on 3 accounts on Revolution alone, not to mention the other 100 servers I played prior and real classic. Gold Sinks are good, but there are better ways than charging 10M per account to skip Quests.