Nuked again with 50 kills, you barely managed 20 kills. Heavily outnumbered, but basically you were extremely bad that it really didnt matter.
32 characters: klopp, Zach, lars, beatdown, daddy beat, tyrant beat, nomads, nomads 118, fah qu, fool, fr3se, jammy, klopp, luigi, c0lin, invect, the salt, the wolf, mrs ak, blacklist, grrr, jonte, rapps, jyysky, whitetiger, reines, juicy J, akuma, kryptix, jammy 115, iron jammy. Blaze up,
16 characters: noosh demon, noosh flats, jayboosh, hero, rowlands, swoosh, sting, ottoman, chaotixx, gjjj,cmann, compost heap, shro, shinobi, mr james, haulin ass
effectively 17 or 18 unique (bad team) vs 9 unique (Empire)
Team Empire:
[9:36 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Hero' has PKed 'Rapps'
3/20/2018 9:36:37 PM UTC
[9:37 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Haulin Ass' has PKed 'Jonte L'
3/20/2018 9:37:22 PM UTC
[9:42 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Jayboosh' has PKed 'Reines'
3/20/2018 9:42:02 PM UTC
[9:43 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Cmann' has PKed 'Jyysky'
3/20/2018 9:43:32 PM UTC
[9:50 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Cmann' has PKed 'Daddy Beat'
3/20/2018 9:50:29 PM UTC
[9:51 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Swo0osh' has PKed 'Larsftw'
3/20/2018 9:51:48 PM UTC
[9:52 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Noosh Demon' has PKed 'Zach Nocare'
3/20/2018 9:52:33 PM UTC
[9:53 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Shro' has PKed 'Whitetiger'
3/20/2018 9:53:40 PM UTC
[9:54 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Chaotixx' has PKed 'Jyysky'
3/20/2018 9:54:25 PM UTC
[9:54 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Shro' has PKed 'Blacklist845'
3/20/2018 9:54:47 PM UTC
[10:04 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Haulin Ass' has PKed 'Mighty Klop'
3/20/2018 10:04:48 PM UTC
[10:05 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Chaotixx' has PKed 'Daddy Beat'
3/20/2018 10:05:33 PM UTC
[10:06 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Sting' has PKed 'Rappsfan'
3/20/2018 10:06:40 PM UTC
[10:07 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Noosh Flats' has PKed 'The Wolf'
3/20/2018 10:07:02 PM UTC
[10:07 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Hero' has PKed 'Zach Nocare'
3/20/2018 10:07:36 PM UTC
[10:08 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Sting' has PKed 'Larsftw'
3/20/2018 10:08:44 PM UTC
[10:09 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Ottoman' has PKed 'Jonte L'
3/20/2018 10:09:06 PM UTC
[10:09 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Rowlands' has PKed 'Thesalt'
3/20/2018 10:09:40 PM UTC
[10:14 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Rowlands' has PKed 'The Wolf'
3/20/2018 10:14:08 PM UTC
[10:15 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Noosh Demon' has PKed 'Grrrrrrrrrr'
3/20/2018 10:15:49 PM UTC
[10:16 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Sting' has PKed 'Blacklist845'
3/20/2018 10:16:23 PM UTC
[10:16 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Swo0osh' has PKed 'C0lin333'
3/20/2018 10:16:45 PM UTC
[10:16 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Shinobi' has PKed 'Mrs Ak47'
3/20/2018 10:16:57 PM UTC
[10:24 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Cmann' has PKed 'Fah Qu'
3/20/2018 10:24:15 PM UTC
[10:25 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Hero' has PKed 'The Wolf'
3/20/2018 10:25:33 PM UTC
[10:26 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Compost Heap' has PKed 'Mighty Klop'
3/20/2018 10:26:07 PM UTC
[10:26 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Mr James' has PKed 'Luigi'
3/20/2018 10:26:18 PM UTC
[10:27 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Jayboosh' has PKed 'Thesalt'
3/20/2018 10:27:14 PM UTC
[10:28 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Hero' has PKed 'Zach Nocare'
3/20/2018 10:28:22 PM UTC
[10:31 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Shinobi' has PKed 'Jammy'
3/20/2018 10:31:56 PM UTC
[10:32 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Shro' has PKed 'Thesalt'
3/20/2018 10:32:07 PM UTC
[10:33 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Rowlands' has PKed 'Invect'
3/20/2018 10:33:03 PM UTC
[10:41 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Hero' has PKed 'C0lin333'
3/20/2018 10:41:06 PM UTC
[10:41 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Rowlands' has PKed 'Luigi'
3/20/2018 10:41:39 PM UTC
[10:41 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Compost Heap' has PKed 'Fah Qu'
3/20/2018 10:41:50 PM UTC
[10:42 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Cmann' has PKed 'Mighty Klop'
3/20/2018 10:42:01 PM UTC
[10:42 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Swo0osh' has PKed 'Jammy'
3/20/2018 10:42:24 PM UTC
[10:43 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Hero' has PKed 'X I Fo0 I X'
3/20/2018 10:43:53 PM UTC
[10:44 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Gjjnjjjj' has PKed 'Larsftw'
3/20/2018 10:44:27 PM UTC
[10:44 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Sting' has PKed 'Fah Qu'
3/20/2018 10:44:50 PM UTC
[10:50 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Noosh Flats' has PKed 'Zach Nocare'
3/20/2018 10:50:27 PM UTC
[10:52 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Swo0osh' has PKed 'Fr3ese'
3/20/2018 10:52:31 PM UTC
[10:54 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Rowlands' has PKed 'X I Fo0 I X'
3/20/2018 10:54:12 PM UTC
[10:54 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Hero' has PKed 'Fah Qu'
3/20/2018 10:54:46 PM UTC
[10:57 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Jayboosh' has PKed 'Daddy Beat'
3/20/2018 10:57:23 PM UTC
[10:58 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Noosh Flats' has PKed 'Larsftw'
3/20/2018 10:58:08 PM UTC
[11:03 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Noosh Demon' has PKed 'Zach Nocare'
3/20/2018 11:03:22 PM UTC
10 combined clans:
[9:33 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Johnssonrang' has PKed 'Haulin Ass'
3/20/2018 9:33:16 PM UTC
[9:45 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Larsftw' has PKed 'Mr James'
3/20/2018 9:45:46 PM UTC
[9:46 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Daddy Beat' has PKed 'Ottoman'
3/20/2018 9:46:19 PM UTC
[9:51 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Tyrant Beat' has PKed 'Ottoman'
3/20/2018 9:51:26 PM UTC
[9:53 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Grrrrrrrrrrr' has PKed 'Sting'
3/20/2018 9:53:17 PM UTC
[10:05 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Zach Nocare' has PKed 'Jayboosh'
3/20/2018 10:05:55 PM UTC
[10:07 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Larsftw' has PKed 'Chaotixx'
3/20/2018 10:07:59 PM UTC
[10:08 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Jonte L' has PKed 'Kev'
3/20/2018 10:08:10 PM UTC
[10:08 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Thesalt' has PKed 'Haulin Ass'
3/20/2018 10:08:32 PM UTC
[10:09 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Jyysky' has PKed 'Holyfield'
3/20/2018 10:09:06 PM UTC
[10:09 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Blacklist845' has PKed 'Hero'
3/20/2018 10:09:40 PM UTC
[10:17 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Tyrant Beat' has PKed 'Noosh Demon'
3/20/2018 10:17:08 PM UTC
[10:17 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Larsftw' has PKed 'Sting'
3/20/2018 10:17:54 PM UTC
[10:25 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Larsftw' has PKed 'Cmann'
3/20/2018 10:25:00 PM UTC
[10:25 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Invect' has PKed 'Rowlands'
3/20/2018 10:25:22 PM UTC
[10:26 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Luigi' has PKed 'Shinobi'
3/20/2018 10:26:18 PM UTC
[10:26 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Jammy' has PKed 'Kev'
3/20/2018 10:26:52 PM UTC
[10:27 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Blacklist845' has PKed 'Chaotixx'
3/20/2018 10:27:14 PM UTC
[10:27 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Larsftw' has PKed 'Cmann'
3/20/2018 10:27:26 PM UTC
[10:28 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Larsftw' has PKed 'Jayboosh'
3/20/2018 10:28:22 PM UTC
[10:41 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Mighty Klop' has PKed 'Jayboosh'
3/20/2018 10:41:39 PM UTC
[10:43 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Iamgoat' has PKed 'Noosh Flats'
3/20/2018 10:43:20 PM UTC
[10:52 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Luigi' has PKed 'Cmann'
3/20/2018 10:52:42 PM UTC
[10:54 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Tyrant Beat' has PKed 'Noosh Demon'
3/20/2018 10:54:46 PM UTC
[10:55 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Zach Nocare' has PKed 'Shinobi'
3/20/2018 10:55:08 PM UTC
[10:56 PM] BOTRSCR Discord:
'Mighty Klop' has PKed 'Sting'
3/20/2018 10:56:04 PM UTC