@yel@Start:@whi@ Brother Kojo, Clock Tower south of Ardougne
@yel@Difficulty:@whi@ Easy
@yel@Length:@whi@ Medium
@yel@Requirements:@whi@ Ability to withstand various monsters up to level 58
@yel@Items needed:@whi@ Bucket of water
The clock for East Ardougne is broken! Speak to @yel@Brother Kojo@whi@ in the Clock Tower south of East Ardougne to begin the quest. He needs you to find the correct large @lre@cogs@whi@ in a dungeon under the tower and restore them to their correct positions. You can only hold 1 cog at a time. Go down the ladder and follow the path until you come to a square with 4 different coloured tiles.
@mag@[@whi@Purple area@mag@]@whi@, south-east path. Follow the path until you come to a door, follow the passage and pick up the @lre@Rat Poison@whi@ at the end, retrace your steps and enter the large cavern full of @yel@Dungeon Rats@whi@. Pull one @cya@lever@whi@ and the other @cya@lever@whi@, then use the @lre@rat poison@whi@ on the @cya@trough@whi@; the rats will die. Go east to the bars and claim your first @lre@large cog@whi@. Use it on the @cya@purple clock pole@whi@ on the top floor (two floors above groundlevel).
@bla@[@whi@Black area@bla@]@whi@, north-west path. @yel@Skeletons (lvl-21)@whi@ and other low combat monsters patrol this route. Follow the path until you see five @cya@fires@whi@ and a @lre@large cog@whi@ sitting against the wall. Pour a @lre@bucket of water@whi@ over the @lre@cog@whi@ and pick it up. Use it on the @cya@black clock pole@whi@ on the ground floor.
@blu@[@whi@ Blue area@blu@]@whi@, north-east path. Leave the clock tower and head towards West Ardougne, on the way you will see a @lre@purple dye@whi@ spawn and a @cya@ladder@whi@; go down it and follow the path to the end. Push the @cya@odd looking wall@whi@ and retrieve the @lre@large cog@whi@. Use it on the @cya@blue clock pole@whi@ on the basement floor.
@red@[@whi@Red area@red@]@whi@, south-west path. Follow this path until you see three @yel@Ogres (lvl-58)@whi@ guarding a room, defend yourself from their attacks and pick up the @lre@large cog@whi@. Use it on the @cya@red clock pole@whi@ just upstairs. Finally, speak to a very relieved @yel@Brother Kojo@whi@ for your reward.
1 Quest Point
500 coins