@yel@Start: @whi@Wizard Tower south of Draynor
@yel@Difficulty: @whi@Easy
@yel@Length: @whi@Short
@yel@Requirements: @whi@None
@yel@Items needed: @whi@Black bead, yellow bead, red bead, white bead
To start this quest, speak to @yel@Wizard Mizgog @whi@on the top floor of the Wizard's Tower. The Wizard's Tower is across a bridge south of Draynor. He will inform you that another wizard has summoned imps to steal his magic beads. The four missing beads are: @lre@Black Bead@whi@, @lre@Red Bead@whi@, @lre@Yellow Bead@whi@, and @lre@White Bead@whi@.
Imps drop these beads randomly, and are easily slain. Popular imp locations include the volcano on Karamja and the area south of Falador. You may also trade or use market to buy the beads. @whi@Once the beads are gathered, return to @yel@Wizard Mizgog@whi@ on the top floor of the Wizards' Tower.
1 Quest Point
Amulet of accuracy
Magic experience = 875 x Current Rate