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@yel@Start:@whi@ Go to Lumbridge Castle. Talk to the cook; tell him that you will help.
@yel@Difficulty: @whi@Easy
@yel@Length: @whi@Short
@yel@Requirements: @whi@None
@yel@Items needed: @whi@Milk, Flour, Egg

@whi@Speak with the @yel@Cook @whi@at Lumbridge Castle's first floor. He will tell the player that he needs ingredients to make a cake for the Duke of Lumbridge's birthday. He wants the player to retrieve @lre@flour@whi@, @lre@milk@whi@, and an @lre@egg@whi@, and to bring those items back to him. Before you set off and collect your ingredients, pick up the @lre@pot @whi@that's sitting nearby on a @cya@table@whi@, which you will need later. You'll also want to purchase a @lre@bucket @whi@from the nearby General Store.

@whi@To obtain @lre@milk@whi@, you simply have to use a @lre@bucket@whi@ on a @yel@Cow@whi@. A @lre@bucket@whi@ can be found inside the chicken farm across the river north-west of Lumbridge, or you can simply purchase one from the General Store north of the castle. @yel@Cow@whi@'s can be found by following the path that leads north-west out of Lumbridge.

@whi@Make sure you have a @lre@pot@whi@ in your inventory. Now, to obtain @lre@flour@whi@, follow the path that leads north-west out of Lumbridge. Go past the chicken farm and you'll see a field of @cya@wheat@whi@. Right-click on one and pick it, you'll obtain @lre@grain@whi@. Now, go into the windmill beside the field and go to the top floor. Use the @lre@grain@whi@ on the @cya@hopper@whi@, and then operate it. Go to the bottom floor, you should see a pile of @lre@flour@whi@ in the center of the room. Simply use your @lre@pot@whi@ on the pile of @lre@flour@whi@, and you now have @lre@flour@whi@ in your inventory.

@whi@ @lre@Eggs@whi@ can be found to the north-east of Lumbridge. Cross the bridge going across river and follow the path north. After a little while, you will come across a chicken farm on the west side of the path. Beside the little coup is a single @lre@egg@whi@ item spawn. Pick it up. Once you have all three ingredients, speak to the @yel@cook@whi@ in the castle.

@whi@1 Quest Point
Cooking Experience = 300 x Current Rate
Access to the Cook's Range in Lumbridge Castle

Last edited by Mod Jebby (28 Nov 2017 11:08)
