Looking for Team

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S O B BSpace Send PM


Posts: 716

Not sure if this is the right forum but I figured since ppl ask for quest teammates here...

I had been playing iron man for over a year and then played dmm the last month, so I've never joined a team before, don't even really know what they do, other than they give "bonuses".

My character "Paul" has been here since launch day, most of my stats are from when the server was 2x for every skill, was the first to 1400.  I've played here constantly with just several month breaks in between.

If you have a good team with a spot open let me know.

Last edited by S O B BSpace (6 Sep 2017 03:22)

Vet Paul
Iron Paul

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dmm Random Send PM


From: United States
Posts: 49

ur a beast dude teach me

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

dmm Random said:

ur a beast dude teach me

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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Lightor Send PM


Posts: 12

Yo, pm me in game plz -Lightor
I need help on a task. I can't find a task guide unfortunately..