This is a tips thread for IronMen on where to train, where to buy and how to make gold. By no meens is this a guide for IronMen since everyone plays different. If you have any tips, please post and I will add it to this post.
Where to get
Rune chain: Black Demons
Rune pl8: Oziach after dragon slayer quest
Rune legs: Champions guild, King black dragon
Rune Baxe: Black demon, Black dragon, King black dragon, Fire giants
Rune 2h: Black demon, Black dragon, King black dragon, Fire giants
Rune med: Lesser demons
Rune full: Black demons/Greater demons
Rune sq: Black demon, Black dragon, King black dragon, Fire giants
Rune kite: Fire giants, Black dragon
Dragon Med: Fire giants, Red dragons, Black dragons, King black dragon
Dragon sq half: Otherworldly beings, Shadow warriors
At first it is best to do all the 'mini"quests or tasks as they will give you a nice chunk of exp and Addy equipment.
Good training spot for lower levels is chaos druids in edge dung. They will give you fast cmb exp with a nice supply of herbs to use late.
Pick your flax at the Gnome stronghold and spin it in fally.
Fire giants and Black demons are best for loot but not best for training as you'll use a lot of food or prayer pots.