There's a lot of talk about the issues facing the wilderness and how to solve them.
The problem is there aren't enough people PKing or going into the wilderness.
The multi logging is very off putting to new people and really does ruin fighting certain people, as you can't win since 3 x inventories of food is always going to beat 1.
But...ultimately the problem is the players, sure I've complained about multi logging etc but I'm still in the wilderness everyday pking and the way round the multilogging is simply refuse to fight people who are major multi loggers and don't go to the stupid noob lvl 10 wild castle(it's pathetic to be lvl 100+ and scared to go above 10 wild without tp) and if you see any known mass multi logger just walk off or log.
If you want to pk and you don't want to fight mass teams and multi logger cheats, then just go to the wilderness walk around for awhile and find people to fight. If everyone who claims they would PK without the multi etc did this, we would have a very busy wilderness.
Some kind words from a fan