My ban appeal

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y0y0 y0s Send PM


Posts: 294

I am writing this appeal, because the ban of my accounts I found is to harsh.
49 accounts perm banned because of a picture I thought was fake just to troll and being a idiot towards a certain player.
Reason was I got pretty pissed he got 2 good and active players in the community quitting the game due to his behaviours towards them, so I figured lets fuck around, as everyone knows, discord pk channel is a troll channel and mostly 99% bs to talk every day shit, and this time it hit me hard.
Ive apoligized to the player and told the player I did not know it was a real picture or lets say, real details
Other players told me its an old picture thats been posted before, but this is infos I got after telling people I got banned for the picture I posted.

I am therefor hoping for a unban directly of all my accounts, I would never post something that would get my accounts banned perm, I was hoping for a warning before this ban, but anyways, This is my reason and this is why I posted this picture, without my knowing that the picture actually was real.

Hoping to see a good outcome, and sorry for the inconvenice caused here

Yes I know my spellings sucks ass, but that's it!

Kind regards,


yoyo yos

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Renevald Send PM


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Troll removed

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y0y0 y0s Send PM


Posts: 294

Thanks my G, love ya ❤️

yoyo yos

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 571

Dear Y0Y0,

I want to express my appreciation for your well-crafted appeal. The mod team made the correct decision in swiftly banning your accounts while conducting a thorough investigation. It's important to acknowledge that sharing that screenshot from another player's social media post during the intense battles in the Pk-Chat room was not a wise move, even though the player in question encouraged it and later complained. It's worth noting that this particular screenshot has been circulating for years. After closely examining it, I found that it contained very little identifiable information about the player.

I hope that you, as well as all our players, can learn from this incident about the seriousness of doxxing. We take this matter very seriously, and every player on our platform deserves to maintain their anonymity in real life if they so choose. Some players may be more open about their personal information, and that's their prerogative.

In light of the circumstances, I have decided to reinstate your accounts. However, I strongly urge you to avoid engaging in similar actions in the future.



Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.

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