All my "good" characters got moved off my forum account?

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swo0osh Send PM


Posts: 1

I have never given away nor shared my forum account passwords. I have allowed "certain people" to use my characters over the years while I was not playing, but I never gave anyone my forum passwords (which have always been different.) Yet for some reason now my main and other characters are no longer attached to my forum account? I never approved of any character transfers. My in-game characters still are clearly attached to my e-mail which I can confirm when I click the "security" tab in the in-game settings menu. Can an admin help me out here or what? It could also be that I can't remember the forum account of my better characters either..

Last edited by swo0osh (28 Sep 2022 14:10)

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 571

If you use discord please add Terror#4467 so we can get to the bottom of this.

Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.

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sw0o0sh Send PM


Posts: 9

I Death I has helped me from discord.. Topic can be closed! Thanks.