Seb´s ban appeal

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seb Send PM


From: Team Sweden
Posts: 7

Make the Choice to Look Forward, Not Back.

1.Name the character(s) that you are submitting the appeal for.
2.Detailed information about your offense. (Ex. What were you banned for?)
3.A date or general idea of when the ban/punishment was carried out, if possible.
4.Tell the truth. Respect and honesty go a long way. Being honest does not guarantee that you'll be unbanned, but it will help in building a better relationship moving forward.
Once your appeal is answered, do not post any more appeals for that character.

1. Seb.
2. I used a mouse recorded caster a few times (for a short limited period).  Used for pking, havent ganed shit from it, havent skilled, havent farmed, havent made bank from
    it, it was immediately removed the day chars got banned.
3. A few months ago.
4. I been Telling HOLE staff team the truth and nothing but the truth abouth my case. My main forum account has been targeted cuz of this, loads of chars banned that have nothing to do with the actual ban.

It's not about what you done or where you been, it's about where you are and where you going.

Keep this thread open, I will answer any questions here.

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 571

Your accounts have been reinstated due to the overwhelming support of the community. They will be closely watched for autoing and if caught again you will list banned again without appeal.

Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.

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