Farewell! Thanks for everything.

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n0m Send PM


Posts: 1,821

This is a very toned down version of what I wanted to originally say, it’s been hard to hold my tongue about all the disgusting shit going on here, so instead of venting I’ll just tell you tldr.

The reason for my leaving is quite simple, you only need to know what has happened over the years, and the fact alone that I've been here for 6 years. What was my passion, escape and my source of enjoyment has turned into burden and source of toxicity.

It feels dead to me, a dead end and this feeling has been present throughout last year for the entire time I tried to salvage dying server, but I didn't recognize it or want to admit it to myself that it's time to move on.

There’s something I want to say: money doesn’t drive me. RSCRevolution has taken its toll on me and it’s been pretty damaging to my mental health. There’s no amount of money that could have made up for that which is why I have never done this for money and it’s always been for the community.. For the same reason I’ve turned down offers to buy RSCRevolution that have been very generous… but useless to me.

“But didn’t the deal with Billy go bad because you wanted more money?”
If you think about it black and white, it might seem that way. Fact is, it was about what I learned from the other person by doing that which was the dealbreaker and not the money itself. To this day I still stand by my decision to cancel the deal, the only thing I’d change is not offering the deal.

I tried to come back for 2020 after the christmas break and the feeling I described above was not going away like I expected it to.. It was just stronger than before which lead to thoughts of doing less, leaving, just anything else than this and shortly going from “I’ll be doing less” to “I’m leaving”.

Big part of what killed RSC for me was the disgusting people in this scene.. snakes, hypocritical, deceiving, manipulating, selfish, entitled, ungrateful and unfortunately the handful of good apples here don't make up for the rotten ones. There’s so much to inform you about but I’d rather not go on that route. It’s better to just leave it behind.

The other part is.. There’s nowhere to go from here, I’ve done everything there’s to be done, and a bit more. I’d take back a couple updates if I could to be honest. Because of RSCL and it’s leak we’ve had to compete by doing custom unique things that maaybe haven’t been all that great ideas after all.

RSCRevolution isn’t something I’d play myself. Due to few custom updates I don’t like, the mentality of players, etc. the game really isn’t enjoyable, and hasn’t been for good while. I’m a PKer at heart, and this ganking, big team, multi bullshit and ‘hardcore’ pkers have absolutely destroyed any hope I had for functioning wilderness. For two years I’ve just thought, well the game isn’t for me and not bother.

I’m leaving with the last big gift, I’ve rewritten the server core and making sure it functions correctly and efficiently, utilizing proper concurrency techniques and synchronization, the entire process took about one month of active daily development. There was lots of bad code and design all over the place because of how I’ve mostly rushed things due to always feeling like there's a big pile of dishes to do, but the pile isn’t getting smaller. And let me tell you there’s no server that has fixed these issues if anything they’ve added on top of them... RSCRevolution being the first at it again while others jerk around until it’s handed to them (bitter joke)..

Thank you all for supporting me through the years, and continuing to appreciate what I’ve built over the years. There are a good amount of genuine people left here and I appreciate each one of you a lot.

Thank you RSCRevolution Staff! Our current team especially has the most genuine people I’ve been around for good while which is something I can appreciate. Players shouldn't forget that they’re volunteering to help, tone down with your demands.. and don’t give them shit for minor mistakes.

EDIT: I've deleted my RSCRevolution discord account (n0m), and demoted myself on RSCRevolution. If you want to send me a message I might check my inbox on this forum account few times before I don't anymore.

Last edited by n0m (4 Mar 2020 18:09)

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 575

Thanks for all you've done for the server n0m. It is time you focus on you and your real life. I personally am committed to continuing to do what I can to help the server continue forward. Thanks for putting up with us all. Love Mod Terror.

Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.

Read the Rules

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Mod Sanka Send PM


Posts: 51

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Mod Wu Send PM


From: Slums of Shaolin
Posts: 14

Happy to finally see this post, as I'm sure many others are too. I want to start by saying I totally understand and get why you're doing what you are and doing it in a respectful way. I'm sure many would've just sold out and cashed in lol.

There's no shadow of a doubt that RSCR is the best there is, has been and likely to ever be. Mentalities are a major factor that I feel have contributed to not only you, but others who have left the scene. This isn't how RSC is supposed to be, especially not this far down the line and after all the years that have passed.

There are still a lot of true die hard RSC fans out there who are the the ones a game like this truly lives on for. The good eggs, the keepers. The show will go on, and now is the time for you to do you. All good things must come to an end, and I feel like this is where you're at now.

Best of luck in all future endeavours, It's been fun working with you and sharing crazy ideas towards keeping the RSC dream alive smile.

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Mod Vinkie Send PM


From: Draynor
Posts: 253

Wishing you all the best with whatever you wish to pursue next. A big thank-you for your massive contributions to the RSC-scene. Any new place can consider itself equally blessed to have you. smile

Umbaman Send PM


Posts: 46

It is very understandable to leave this game/community, since this is a quite demanding environment. Thus I completely respect your decision to leave. Hopefully you will find the peace you are looking for. Enjoy your future personal time and good luck on your future career.
I have perceived you as a motivated person who puts effort into this server. Thank you for a lot of awesome updates. Thank you for the right click web function. I apologize for having been impatient at times and possibly stressing too much.
All the best to you.


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Stolt Archer Send PM


Posts: 383

Thanks for everything brother, hope you the best in life moving forward!!

//hardcore pker

Former Pk Prodigy



Posts: 6


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Posts: 376

rip rsc

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CroCop Send PM


Posts: 7

It didn't have to go down this way n0m. I understand your frustration, but I wish you'd come back and work with me to give it a real shot at reviving RSCR. If you won't come back, I hope those that are still here will work with me to get real change for the better.

The other part is.. There’s nowhere to go from here, I’ve done everything there’s to be done, and a bit more. I’d take back a couple updates if I could to be honest.

There's no where to go? What about actually updating skills? rscrevolution is a skilling and PVM game at the end of the day. Look at RS3 and OSRS. The PvP is there, but it isn't the focus. You tried balancing the game around a PvP sideshow too much.

As I had told you, you could have focused on tweaking slayer, easy QOL changes to make other skills less tedious / more enjoyable, offer perks for leveling past 99, reworking skill capes. It wouldn't have killed the server, you leaving might do that however. I don't know if the remaining mods / admins have the desire to actually improve the game and make it into a better version of RSC as it should be. Too many people holding onto nostalgia like their life depends on it. Truthfully, I think that you may have been also.

Compared to the now dead official RSC, you made great improvements. What you did with slayer was great. Batching was great. Bank updates are great. Why not continue to make changes and improvements to make the game more enjoyable? Were you that afraid of making it "easyscape" and having some autistic people lash out at you for ruining their RSC nostalgia? I gave you tons of suggestions, because I actually play the game and know how to make it a more enjoyable experience akin to OSRS, which is obviously very successful.

As you said, the pking is "hardcore" here, people stick to teams and have been sweating their balls off trying to perfect their catching and casting for years. You were never going to attract a more casual community to fill the wild and server with by just chucking some wilderness updates here and there and not working on any of the other skills outside slayer. And you didn't even finish slayer, there is still a lot that could be done to improve it.

RSCRevolution isn’t something I’d play myself.

Not many people would play it, because it is currently still only a game meant for people who want a hint of nostalgia and those who want hardcore PvP. It isn't a true RSC Revolution, it's RSC with a few good QOL changes and slayer and some sparse PvP. If you had listened to my (and other people who actually play the game other than pking) QOL skilling ideas before you did the Christmas phat drop and started your advertising blitz, I think this game could have had a decent revival.

It's not too late to have a RSCR revival, but it will take someone who actually listens to the players who play the game outside of pk to save this server. And who won't make us wait months for small changes, or no changes at all. The game needs to move more in the way of "easyscape" (AKA not a boring grindfest missing important QOL updates and adding new content) and the goalpost needs to be moved past just hitting level 99 if we want to have a healthy population on the server. Goalposts like 100m exp capes, 200m+ exp capes, with skilling perks, something worth spending weeks / months working towards.

I don't know if this will happen, because it seems like everyone who has admin on this server seems to think they know best, when most/all of them just pk here and there and other than that don't play the game anymore. I can't blame them though, there is no real progress in updating the game and making it a fun experience outside of pvp. I would like to be a part of trying to make real changes and pushing the game forward. It's supposed to be RSC Revolution, not RSC with no updates to agility firemaking mining smithing crafting woodcutting fletching etc and leaving slayer unfinished. We don't need complete skill overhauls or server resets, we need QOL updates immediately and small content addons over time to try to retain players and build a player base. Then we can also work on adding more / better PvP updates that the community actually wants. It's not all about skillers, and it's not all about PvPers, it's about both needing changes. I won't speak to the PvP changes, but I sure as hell know a lot of skilling changes to be made.

If you want to work with me and implement my ideas, what do you have to lose? You set a great foundation, you are clearly a great coder. Let me work with you and give it one chance to work on skilling and PvE, the core of the game, and put PvP updates on the side for now. I'm sure for someone like you you would have no problem coding these updates. They're not big updates, but a bunch of small updates can easily add up to be more awesome than a big update. I just want to see this server not only survive but thrive, and without you, I don't know if that is possible. I probably should have sent all this to you before you left, but I didn't think you'd really leave, and I didn't think you would listen to me. Here's my last chance though. I hope you listen and reconsider leaving, at least for a bit, to work with me and try to go in a new direction, one last chance. Come back n0m.

Last edited by CroCop (4 Mar 2020 23:43)

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S O B BSpace Send PM


Posts: 716

Hey n0m, sucks that we never got to have that chat about how to fix skilling/ PvM.  I had so many ideas that I was trying to put them all down on paper to provide to you, but I hadn't finished it and it was already several pages long. 

I hope that you consider completing RS1HD, and instead of listening to the toxic PK community that actually hindered new players from coming to this server, focus on skilling and PvM.  I firmly believe that's the route to continue to make RSC successful.  I hope maybe in several months you might get the desire to finish that project and start anew, with the best RSC ever created!  RSCR was a great project for you and I'm sure you learned a lot, and you know what mistakes were made and won't repeat them. 

Let me know if you ever want to talk about development, if not I wish you well in wherever you go.

Vet Paul
Iron Paul

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n0m Send PM


Posts: 1,821

CroCop said:

It didn't have to go down this way n0m. I understand your frustration, but I wish you'd come back and work with me to give it a real shot at reviving RSCR. If you won't come back, I hope those that are still here will work with me to get real change for the better.

The other part is.. There’s nowhere to go from here, I’ve done everything there’s to be done, and a bit more. I’d take back a couple updates if I could to be honest.

There's no where to go? What about actually updating skills? rscrevolution is a skilling and PVM game at the end of the day. Look at RS3 and OSRS. The PvP is there, but it isn't the focus. You tried balancing the game around a PvP sideshow too much.

As I had told you, you could have focused on tweaking slayer, easy QOL changes to make other skills less tedious / more enjoyable, offer perks for leveling past 99, reworking skill capes. It wouldn't have killed the server, you leaving might do that however. I don't know if the remaining mods / admins have the desire to actually improve the game and make it into a better version of RSC as it should be. Too many people holding onto nostalgia like their life depends on it. Truthfully, I think that you may have been also.

Compared to the now dead official RSC, you made great improvements. What you did with slayer was great. Batching was great. Bank updates are great. Why not continue to make changes and improvements to make the game more enjoyable? Were you that afraid of making it "easyscape" and having some autistic people lash out at you for ruining their RSC nostalgia? I gave you tons of suggestions, because I actually play the game and know how to make it a more enjoyable experience akin to OSRS, which is obviously very successful.

As you said, the pking is "hardcore" here, people stick to teams and have been sweating their balls off trying to perfect their catching and casting for years. You were never going to attract a more casual community to fill the wild and server with by just chucking some wilderness updates here and there and not working on any of the other skills outside slayer. And you didn't even finish slayer, there is still a lot that could be done to improve it.

RSCRevolution isn’t something I’d play myself.

Not many people would play it, because it is currently still only a game meant for people who want a hint of nostalgia and those who want hardcore PvP. It isn't a true RSC Revolution, it's RSC with a few good QOL changes and slayer and some sparse PvP. If you had listened to my (and other people who actually play the game other than pking) QOL skilling ideas before you did the Christmas phat drop and started your advertising blitz, I think this game could have had a decent revival.

It's not too late to have a RSCR revival, but it will take someone who actually listens to the players who play the game outside of pk to save this server. And who won't make us wait months for small changes, or no changes at all. The game needs to move more in the way of "easyscape" (AKA not a boring grindfest missing important QOL updates and adding new content) and the goalpost needs to be moved past just hitting level 99 if we want to have a healthy population on the server. Goalposts like 100m exp capes, 200m+ exp capes, with skilling perks, something worth spending weeks / months working towards.

I don't know if this will happen, because it seems like everyone who has admin on this server seems to think they know best, when most/all of them just pk here and there and other than that don't play the game anymore. I can't blame them though, there is no real progress in updating the game and making it a fun experience outside of pvp. I would like to be a part of trying to make real changes and pushing the game forward. It's supposed to be RSC Revolution, not RSC with no updates to agility firemaking mining smithing crafting woodcutting fletching etc and leaving slayer unfinished. We don't need complete skill overhauls or server resets, we need QOL updates immediately and small content addons over time to try to retain players and build a player base. Then we can also work on adding more / better PvP updates that the community actually wants. It's not all about skillers, and it's not all about PvPers, it's about both needing changes. I won't speak to the PvP changes, but I sure as hell know a lot of skilling changes to be made.

If you want to work with me and implement my ideas, what do you have to lose? You set a great foundation, you are clearly a great coder. Let me work with you and give it one chance to work on skilling and PvE, the core of the game, and put PvP updates on the side for now. I'm sure for someone like you you would have no problem coding these updates. They're not big updates, but a bunch of small updates can easily add up to be more awesome than a big update. I just want to see this server not only survive but thrive, and without you, I don't know if that is possible. I probably should have sent all this to you before you left, but I didn't think you'd really leave, and I didn't think you would listen to me. Here's my last chance though. I hope you listen and reconsider leaving, at least for a bit, to work with me and try to go in a new direction, one last chance. Come back n0m.

This post is summarizes why I'm leaving. Demands, entitlement. Even at the point when I'm leaving there's a guy posting on farewell letter saying I should have done better and I should come back to do better.

You can always "do better" and someone always finds "flaws", there's always "more" to do. Great that you find endless list of things to implement, as with any project that's always the case and that still doesn't change the fact that it's something I should continue to do. For me personally I don't see anywhere to go from here, this is a dead end for me.

You just don't get it. This game is dead to me.

Last edited by n0m (5 Mar 2020 14:03)

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Nyx Send PM


Posts: 1,077

Good luck with the future, sometimes moving on is just the best thing.

I would just try and look back on what enjoyment you have gotten out of running rev in the past, ignore the bad and just move on with whatever you want to do in life.

It's all just a game at the end of the day.

Some kind words from a fan

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CroCop Send PM


Posts: 7

n0m said:

This post is summarizes why I'm leaving. Demands, entitlement. Even at the point when I'm leaving there's a guy posting on farewell letter saying I should have done better and I should come back to do better.

You can always "do better" and someone always finds "flaws", there's always "more" to do. Great that you find endless list of things to implement, as with any project that's always the case and that still doesn't change the fact that it's something I should continue to do. For me personally I don't see anywhere to go from here, this is a dead end for me.

You just don't get it. This game is dead to me.

This post shows why the players are leaving. You lost your passion, even though you have many people who wanted to help you make improvements. You had many good ideas given to you and you implemented none. You saw our suggestions as "entitlement" and "demands". Remember, we actually play the game, we know what changes would help the game out. When is the last time you sat down to run laps at the garbage wild agility course, for example? Or when was the last time you had to mine in the guild with 3-4 people there when they're all mining in different directions instead of together? I'm going to guess it's been years, and maybe never even happened. When you don't play, you don't really know what to do in the way of updates.

You always seemed to just listen to the pkers on what updates should be done, and always focus on pk. That's why the hard to gank lower wild east slayer dungeon was moved up to 60 wild far away from a bank with no teleport, to give pkers an easy target. There are plenty of other servers for mindless pk, and that's where all the people went. Those of us who don't like pking as much were trying to focus on the skilling / PvE when we suggested updates, because that is how RSCR could stand out like RSCR has stood out with slayer being added. You were clearly lost and we had no updates outside of the wild forever (you've just admitted as much, you don't see anywhere to go and the game is a "dead end", which is total bullshit, the game has many paths forward if someone would put in a little bit of time for QOL changes). But it's not like we were leaving you to do guesswork and just screaming UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE without suggestions and you were overwhelmed, you had plenty of support and ideas.

If you truly see no where to go, you've become blinded by who knows what, but it doesn't matter at this point. It's clear you made up your mind, I won't ask for you to come back again. Sorry for caring about the server. If you think people like me are the reason you're leaving because we actually play the game and just wanted improvements and gave you lists of suggestions to help improve the server and make it more fun for non-pkers, you've got problems, and I hope you leaving will give you peace of mind at least. Just remember, we're not the enemy, we're the ones who actually care about the server, you need to realize that. The PKers who left to other servers, the people screaming for a full reset, and the people who just silently quit the game are the ones that don't care about the server, we cared enough to give input as real players. Maybe whoever is left will listen to the actual players and make QOL changes that the actual players want. The server doesn't have to stand still and slowly fade away. It's up to whoever is developing now. Good luck to you and to us.

Last edited by CroCop (5 Mar 2020 15:24)

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imRonald Send PM


From: Denmark
Posts: 83

Thanks for everything n0m, and Best of luck wherever your path leads. You build the Best rsc server I’ve seen.
I fully understand ur decision to leave.

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n0m Send PM


Posts: 1,821

CroCop said:

n0m said:

This post is summarizes why I'm leaving. Demands, entitlement. Even at the point when I'm leaving there's a guy posting on farewell letter saying I should have done better and I should come back to do better.

You can always "do better" and someone always finds "flaws", there's always "more" to do. Great that you find endless list of things to implement, as with any project that's always the case and that still doesn't change the fact that it's something I should continue to do. For me personally I don't see anywhere to go from here, this is a dead end for me.

You just don't get it. This game is dead to me.

This post shows why the players are leaving. You lost your passion, even though you have many people who wanted to help you make improvements. You had many good ideas given to you and you implemented none. You saw our suggestions as "entitlement" and "demands". Remember, we actually play the game, we know what changes would help the game out. When is the last time you sat down to run laps at the garbage wild agility course, for example? Or when was the last time you had to mine in the guild with 3-4 people there when they're all mining in different directions instead of together? I'm going to guess it's been years, and maybe never even happened. When you don't play, you don't really know what to do in the way of updates.

You always seemed to just listen to the pkers on what updates should be done, and always focus on pk. That's why the hard to gank lower wild east slayer dungeon was moved up to 60 wild far away from a bank with no teleport, to give pkers an easy target. There are plenty of other servers for mindless pk, and that's where all the people went. Those of us who don't like pking as much were trying to focus on the skilling / PvE when we suggested updates, because that is how RSCR could stand out like RSCR has stood out with slayer being added. You were clearly lost and we had no updates outside of the wild forever (you've just admitted as much, you don't see anywhere to go and the game is a "dead end", which is total bullshit, the game has many paths forward if someone would put in a little bit of time for QOL changes). But it's not like we were leaving you to do guesswork and just screaming UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE without suggestions and you were overwhelmed, you had plenty of support and ideas.

If you truly see no where to go, you've become blinded by who knows what, but it doesn't matter at this point. It's clear you made up your mind, I won't ask for you to come back again. Sorry for caring about the server. If you think people like me are the reason you're leaving because we actually play the game and just wanted improvements and gave you lists of suggestions to help improve the server and make it more fun for non-pkers, you've got problems, and I hope you leaving will give you peace of mind at least. Just remember, we're not the enemy, we're the ones who actually care about the server, you need to realize that. The PKers who left to other servers, the people screaming for a full reset, and the people who just silently quit the game are the ones that don't care about the server, we cared enough to give input as real players. Maybe whoever is left will listen to the actual players and make QOL changes that the actual players want. The server doesn't have to stand still and slowly fade away. It's up to whoever is developing now. Good luck to you and to us.

Yeah once again good example why I wouldn't want to stay here. You don't have to say anything more.

No wonder I was the only real developer left here. You've been given a complete game, everything else is a bonus. If you don't enjoy the game for what it is maybe it is time for you to move on as well. But really, you're coming on my topic criticizing me, blaming me, demanding more. You don't even see it do you? Your attitude and what you've spat out summarizes very well what's wrong with this community.

The same shitty mindset you have is shared by few, and they all think they know better.. and you know what? They're all saying the opposite things. It's just proving the fact that no matter what you do, you're doing it wrong. You do what one says and another of them starts blaming. This is beyond the point though. I'm just blown away of the fact that you got the nerve coming to this topic, saying these toxic things with that toxic mentality. It's like one final fuck you and reminder why not to change my mind. But thanks anyway.

EDIT: You should read all this coming from the person who not only wrote all the original content with Fate and Kevin, but went beyond and implemented all of the custom content and features there is, re-invented some of original features. On top of that all the things player wouldn't even know about and won't ever see. The moderating backend, game logging system, player snapshot system, server core optimizations/reinventions, the tools to manage and create content, server administration and the list goes on. Literally everything has been on my shoulders for years, and nothing is ever enough and nothing ever works. Not to mention that what I've programmed, invented, designed gets leaked every now and then due to snakes that I've trusted. Then everyone else is on same level again as we are and RSCRevolution has nothing special to offer once again? All the work I've done doesn't matter anymore and isn't even considered because everyone else has it. That's exactly the cycle that has been going on. ON TOP OF ALL THIS people have the nerve to blame me for killing RSC, call me a little bitch for venting my frustration about this or claim that I'm not doing jackshit and never have.

Last edited by n0m (5 Mar 2020 19:11)

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Posts: 376

crocop you come from individual player perspective. you play the game and you see what would make the game easier for you and what would be cool for you. however do you see the full picture, how one update would require you to balance other stuff in the game? i believe n0m sees the full picture better than you.

btw you think easyscape is a solution for more players? easyscape is one reason why people don't stick around for longer period of time as the goals can be reached quickly. so if the game is made even more easier the players will stick around for even shorter period of time.

it's also kinda obvious that the updates that take long time to code have small effect on gaining players as no1 will leave another server because of few updates and rsc ain't gaining many new players. probably the reason n0m lost motivation also.

only way to make rsc fun is to make new server, start grind from start and the fun ends in few months, it's kinda impressive rscr has gone so long without resets and still has players.

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n0m Send PM


Posts: 1,821

Stolt Archer said:

Thanks for everything brother, hope you the best in life moving forward!!

//hardcore pker

OOPSIEe said:


Nyx said:

Good luck with the future, sometimes moving on is just the best thing.

I would just try and look back on what enjoyment you have gotten out of running rev in the past, ignore the bad and just move on with whatever you want to do in life.

It's all just a game at the end of the day.

imRonald said:

Thanks for everything n0m, and Best of luck wherever your path leads. You build the Best rsc server I’ve seen.
I fully understand ur decision to leave.

Thank you all! I appreciate you giving a respectful response even though we've not always seen eye to eye on things. In the end though, I think we landed on the same page.

Umbaman said:

It is very understandable to leave this game/community, since this is a quite demanding environment. Thus I completely respect your decision to leave. Hopefully you will find the peace you are looking for. Enjoy your future personal time and good luck on your future career.
I have perceived you as a motivated person who puts effort into this server. Thank you for a lot of awesome updates. Thank you for the right click web function. I apologize for having been impatient at times and possibly stressing too much.
All the best to you.


Umbaman you especially have brought joy to the otherwise rainy days for good while now and you've grown to become big part of rev history and that's in a good way. You're one of the reasons to login.

S O B BSpace said:

Hey n0m, sucks that we never got to have that chat about how to fix skilling/ PvM.  I had so many ideas that I was trying to put them all down on paper to provide to you, but I hadn't finished it and it was already several pages long. 

I hope that you consider completing RS1HD, and instead of listening to the toxic PK community that actually hindered new players from coming to this server, focus on skilling and PvM.  I firmly believe that's the route to continue to make RSC successful.  I hope maybe in several months you might get the desire to finish that project and start anew, with the best RSC ever created!  RSCR was a great project for you and I'm sure you learned a lot, and you know what mistakes were made and won't repeat them. 

Let me know if you ever want to talk about development, if not I wish you well in wherever you go.

Hey, I don't think I will be wanting to be involved in any decision making or be involved in the development process as far as the game goes. For a good while now every idea or piece of content seemed wrong or a bit off (even if it might not be so), and so I have not made any decisions for most part hence the lack of actual content.  I will however finish RS1HD at my own pace, I think the project deserves to be released. A lot of the work is already done, but it needs quite a bit of fine tuning before it can be played with.

Last edited by n0m (5 Mar 2020 18:43)

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Tyra Send PM


Posts: 71

Thanks for everything n0m!

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CroCop Send PM


Posts: 7

PALLO said:

however do you see the full picture, how one update would require you to balance other stuff in the game?

Yes, usually the point of games, especially games like RS, are to have continuous updates and re-balancing. I do see the full picture, the people trapped inside nostalgia don't see it. It's looking like people here are happy with the game being purely nostalgic and not actually having progress any further than it's at now. People want a reset so they can hoard party hats in the new version and sit in edge doing nothing again, while I'd like content updates to actually play the game past it's current state. The difference being real players and bored edge sitters.

As n0m said, maybe I should move on as well. I'll have to wait and see what happens now that Kleio has taken the wheel. Again though, I do see the full picture, and it isn't sustained growth in the game if nothing changes outside of PvP. There won't be a big revival with a server reset and no real content changes to skilling and PvE. But hey, nobody seems to care about the server long-term except a few of us. Maybe you guys are happy to see 10-50 online, I know the server could be much bigger than that with the right changes.

But n0m, again you just take everything as personal attacks and criticism wrongly. Even though I had praised your work, especially the foundation you laid for the game and what you have done up to now. You asked for suggestions 3 months ago because you were lost, you were given plenty by me and others, you implemented nothing, and said the game has hit a dead end. You're unfairly attacking me for trying to help this server from dying. The game is not complete, a MMORPG is never "complete", until it dies. It has to be constantly evolving. You can't treat this game like a single player game like Mass Effect or Fallout 3, something that is "complete", or the game will die. Am I the only one that cares about not having the server shut down in who knows how long, 1-2 years? How long will the server bills continue to be paid so 10-50 people can edge sit? Adapt or be left behind.

Last edited by CroCop (5 Mar 2020 19:32)