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black Send PM


Posts: 23

Name the character(s) that you are submitting the appeal for. Moon, Sun, Goku1?(Apparently a mod/admin changed my account name from goku to goku1), Pure, Angel

Detailed information about your offense. (Ex. What were you banned for?)   I was probably banned for being staff on a competitor and flaming. I really can't recall. It has been years. I only recognize N0m as a staff member that was here when I was. I have a few minutes here and there on my phone and occasionally at home and would like to start grinding again. Thanks

A date or general idea of when the ban/punishment was carried out, if possible. My account last login was Feb 4th, 2017. Which is correct, but not really. I was unbanned by an an admin and then within a few days for some reason it was reversed and never really got answered as to why. I would also like to point out that I haven't logged into RSClassic since Feb 4th 2017. I never went to a competitor, or tried to ban evade etc.

Last edited by black (23 Dec 2019 16:08)

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 571

Thanks for your appeal. The accounts have been unbanned as requested. Welcome back.

Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.

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