Account permanently disabled :s

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wildbeast Send PM


Posts: 12

From temporarily disabled to permanently disabled for asking the first mod I saw online which was, Terror on why I was temporarily banned in the first place. Instead of a reply, I got permanent banned. Been playing this server for years and got few of my friends to join as well. No gaming community should treat their veteran members like this. I feel like i got treated really unfairly.

Last edited by wildbeast (22 Dec 2019 13:53)

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 575

Dear Wild Beast,

You were banned due to your outrage on global chat. You were negative towards the server, bashed the event and encouraged other players to quit.

Reading your appeal it doesn't appear that you have calmed down and came back to apologise? It doesn't read that way so I see no reason why to unban you at this moment in time.

Mod Terror

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wildbeast Send PM


Posts: 12

I didn’t even get a chance to apologize cause I wasn’t totally sure what I did to deserve a permanent ban. I was temporarily banned already. I asked you why and then got permanent banned. We are all adults and should be able to share our opinions about the game we all love, positive or negative. Honestly, many others were complaining about the updates too. I don’t think I deserve to get my main account “wild boy” along with all my other accounts permanently banned. Especially when this is my first offence ever. After all, I still supported you guys when a lot of players were leaving this server from the last major update which I didn’t even mind. You got to give credit for the good I’ve done also like bringing other ppl into this server and helping beginner players with start up items etc. Again, lot of people were upset and vented their opinion too. Actually, at the end of it all I kind of changed my mind about the whole thing and was looking forward to it. It’s just unfair how I got treated tbh. At least temporarily mute me or jail me or something not permanently banned me right on holidays where I have free time and was looking forward to spending some time on rsc. I do apologize for saying in public chat for people to quit that one time. I shouldn’t have said that. It was a mistake on my part. And honestly, I thought I already paid the price for that by having my other accounts permanently muted.

IGN: wild boy

Last edited by wildbeast (22 Dec 2019 13:57)

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 575

Dear Wild Beast,

I did read your chat logs prior to replying to the appeal and you do seem to be down playing what you said and you were given opportunities to stop but continued. That being said it is the holidays and everyone makes mistakes so your appology is accepted and your accounts will be unbanned. We hope you enjoy the holiday event.

Mod Terror

Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.

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