Hello, here are the updates we have done since we released beta. We feel very ready for a release tomorrow and that we have covered the whole F2P Gameplay bit by bit.
2014-05-02 / 2014-05-08:
-Prince ali give Joe the guard beer bug.
-Black Knight Fortress "DIE INTRUDER!!" attack bug.
-Secured P2P zones.
-Several crash fixes.
-The Restless Ghost Skull & re-complete bug fixed.
-Karamja Rum vanish from inventory if you teleport away from Karamja or Brimhaven.
-Banker in Draynor, Falador walking path fixed.
-Wilderness F2P Monster locations replicated.
-Wilderness F2P Objects & Ground Items replicated.
-All F2P Object, Wallobjects, Grounditems and Npc locations replicated.
-F2P Monster drops & drop ratios near replicated.
-Telegrabbing fully replicated.
-All F2P Quests fully working.
-Batching perfected.
-Latency added
-Client is F2P with block global and fightmode selector.
-Requirement for rune plate message upon login fixed.
-Skull after duelling fixed.
-Shopkeeper dialogue added.
-Banker dialogue added.
-Shear sheeps fixed.
-Npcs going through wall if maging or ranging them fixed.
-Cast timer fixed.
-Attacking player in wilderness delay fixed.
-No longer following the player if you click attack.
-You cannot teleport away from wilderness if you are above or on level 20 wilderness.
-Pirate Treasure Quest, Wyson the garderner attack you now.
-Border guard dialogue corrected.
-Smithing steel nails fixed.
-Imp catcher quest point message green fixed.
-Magic stuck bug fixed.
-Al kharid wall around castle removed.
-Smithing skill fixed.
-Facing Npc directions.
-Face a npc if you click on their tile as in real rsc.
-Improved our network and packethandling.
-Got rid of the hogging if you spam click.
-PVP Combat formula perfected, PVN Combat Formula perfected.
Done in one take, because in life there are no repeats.