Moving in squares - Walking in rscrevolution java help

Killermandie Send PM


Posts: 7

Back in rsc days rscrevolution offered different types of Javas for rscrevolution. I always used sun java because it made my guy bounce from place to place instead of walking in one motion. Does anyone know how to change javas or tweek the current one for my personal computer to get it where i'm jumping in squares? Thanks

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 575

That's interesting I had never heard of this as a thing back in the day. The likelihood of replicating this now days is slim as sun java no longer exists, even if you could find an old version and ran rev using it, there's a good chance it won't replicate the same as it once did.

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Killermandie Send PM


Posts: 7

It made diagnal catching in the wilderness so easy. People accused me of using an acer when in fact it was the java that rscrevolution offered. It was like in matrix mode I saw the bullets flying at a slower pace, and when someone would run, i could often follow 1 step behind. The only issue I had with it was that it would freeze alot. After practicing catching yesterday i realize you guys have made huge improvements... Now everyone has catch which is great, back in the day only one person did and that was whoever had better ping to the server. If anyone knows how to try different javas out please message me. Thanks

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 575

If you had the catch in RSC it wasn't anything to do with ping as commonly thought. Each time you signed in you were assigned a UID, if your UID was lower than the other players you would have the catch. Without a modified client there was no way (to my knowledge) of actually knowing your UID though so often players would just relog until they got the catch on a "friend" before going pking.

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Lolhole Send PM


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blahhblahh Send PM


From: F̤́ì̺n̺͗l̯̚ā͇ǹ̨d͍̓ / SJK
Posts: 320

some1 still using win XP ???

[img=ModernBB BBCode Test][/img]

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Oprah123 Send PM


Posts: 53

Terror said:

If you had the catch in RSC it wasn't anything to do with ping as commonly thought. Each time you signed in you were assigned a UID, if your UID was lower than the other players you would have the catch. Without a modified client there was no way (to my knowledge) of actually knowing your UID though so often players would just relog until they got the catch on a "friend" before going pking.

Crazy you bring this up, because us americas other than fucking cash for some unknown reason have a 2 second click delay. Which for you might be kinda confusing. Let me explain this. When I click, it takes 2 seconds for it to do anything. 2 seconds is a long ass time. It has been this way for almost a year now. It literally makes me only log in when I'm taking a shit. There are alot of other people having this issue but it is dismissed by your mod team  because cash is the only one who lives in America and walks into the wild it seems like and for some dumb ass reason ppl are listening to cash...

The end. Unban my discord.


Killermandie Send PM


Posts: 7

Terror said:

If you had the catch in RSC it wasn't anything to do with ping as commonly thought. Each time you signed in you were assigned a UID, if your UID was lower than the other players you would have the catch. Without a modified client there was no way (to my knowledge) of actually knowing your UID though so often players would just relog until they got the catch on a "friend" before going pking.

Yes! back then we called it ping. Towards the end when I played, other players could tell who had the lower "UID" and it took the fun out of it. I would have to keep logging in and out to get catch. Another way you could figure it out was through following someone. If you were 2 or 3 squares behind you didnt have catch. If you were more then that you had catch.

Killermandie Send PM


Posts: 7

Terror said:

If you had the catch in RSC it wasn't anything to do with ping as commonly thought. Each time you signed in you were assigned a UID, if your UID was lower than the other players you would have the catch. Without a modified client there was no way (to my knowledge) of actually knowing your UID though so often players would just relog until they got the catch on a "friend" before going pking.

Yes! back then we called it ping. Towards the end when I played, other players could tell who had the lower "UID" and it took the fun out of it. I would have to keep logging in and out to get catch. Another way you could figure it out was through following someone. If you were 2 or 3 squares behind you didnt have catch. If you were more then that you had catch.