Hello everyone!

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Wahn Send PM


From: Earth
Posts: 2

Hey all,

I've been here for couple weeks now, you might seen me here and there already, but its time to say Hi to whole community.

So im here as Wahn and more known as Wahnsinnig. Been playing original Rsc since 2002 till its official close and playing RS even now tho rarely. Ofc did not play alot of rsc since rs3 but absolutely time to time was having some nostalgy. Found this server and being happy about this.
For those couple weeks i've spent here, i noticed that server is absolutely great and in my opinion could represent the actual rsc just a bit faster. I also like the community as it appear helpeful and nice at most cases. This is absolutely Place to stick at.

As new to this server, i dont know exactly all of it features, but i know the rs / rsc World so at some points, im free to assist if needed. Im not a pvp or pk type of person but im always up to some activities or at least to chat.

No much of else comes to mind to say at this point. Once again - Hey everyone and hopefully we catch out ingame around.

Glad to be part of community,

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imRonald Send PM


From: Denmark
Posts: 83

Hello Wahn, welcome to Ronscape. If you need start up gear, then pm me on discord: Ronald#7149

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Mod Vinkie Send PM


From: Draynor
Posts: 253

Welcome to RSCRevolution!
If you need help or just want to have a chat, hit me up anytime. smile