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Reines Send PM


Posts: 245

ok ok lets face a few facts here team.

-pk is dead most of the time
-server is quiet as fuck..

remove this fucking ip shit guys..... i log from flats to a 50 and the guy im looking for went from 50 combat to flats by the time i login............................

im telling you, fix it now!

best pk.


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Stolt Archer Send PM


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I seriously havent pked in 2 weeks because of this bullshit, its too dead and level switching isnt possible, you got to rely on pure luck to log in and see someone the same combat as your char...

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
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What's a matter sweds can't get pks when you guys all can't log in at once?

Last edited by i3lunt t0k3r (20 Jan 2017 13:22)

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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Stolt Archer Send PM


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i3lunt t0k3r said:

What's a matter sweds can't get pks when you guys all can't log in at once?

As we pkers said,  we want to be able to switch between chars to intensify pking - swede or not. Your a fantastic selfclaimed forum moderator stay here and leave wildy to the pkers
Have a great day Eric

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GLeU Send PM


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fuck the timer, and fuck the 1 ip wildy shit. but mainly fuck the timer.

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Oopsie Send PM


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I honestly think ideas from this thread if implemented would help revive things a little.

I think it's safe to say the majority of people here enjoy 1ip wars. They are fun, there is no denying that

The timer, is also a brilliant concept, just not very well executed. Stops people logging fresh account in same level boundary and catching off your chat with 4 food, also stops opponents INStANTLY PJing. In general there is less wilderness activity because of the length/restriction of the timer. For example, why should anyone need a whole minute to be able to loot "safely?", pretty sure that's more seconds To loot than the DM arena! It makes the wild feel too safe. Also, if I want to fight a level 50 but I'm sat under cas on flats, should I really have to be politely asking for them to wait around for me lol, if my flat and my 50 can't interact in anyway, what's the issue?

I fully understand the general concept of 1ip. As always, the wild should be risky but if that's the case why do we have a 1 minuthe timer. It makes the wild feel too safe. I also understand there should be a risk involved to be able to get better XP and drops in Wild, I like the concept of 1ip for that reason HOWEVER the quality and amount of PKIng due to it I think is now clear. In general there's been less and less people in Wild since the update. 1 thing I LIKED originally about the update, was it stopped people mass farming in wild etc however situations such as stated generated PKing. More accounts in wild = more accounts to PK, I'm struggling to see the negatives of letting people multi train/farm if acc's are in different map areas. OK, so a few extra runes or D Bones might get onto the market but I don't think it's going to be game breaking. If you can't farm with multi accounts on same minimap you're pretty limited to good spots to farm and also very limited to being able to defend yourself.

I think 90% of us have shown we are willing to work with the 1ip concept however I think we all know it's time to try something else. I rly can't see a problem with multi accounts in Wild as long as not both on same load screen. More people in Wild = more people to PK, whatever way you look at it. Also feel timer should be edited so we can hop from 50 to 85 and not be punished by timer and on that subject, a minute is too long to loot/be able to switch 20 levels. The wild feels too safe right now

And before anyone quotes me and says I'm only making these suggestions to benefit me, as you can see, none of the updates in suggesting will give me an advantage whatsoever... Just hopefully would benefit the majority of the communities PKERs. As always, every update will upset some
While pleasing others. I think these small tweaks would overall please more than iT upsets. (Please don't
Make another poll lol)

The end

Last edited by Oopsie (20 Jan 2017 16:13)

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Oopsie Send PM


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I also really think the hotspots DONT help wild activity. While there is PKIng at them sometimes, there's really no actual incentive to go there and fight for it. Sometimes it's not even worth taking a 3 man party to fight a 7 man team lol. Sure you get better XP and drops however I think the actual locations are outdated and flawed and with a general overhaul and different approach to hotspots could create far more incentive for people to fuck with them therefore creating more PKing.

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Oopsie Send PM


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Something else I've never really got my head around is the spawning in Edge bank shit. Sure, it's a great gold sink for the game but surely it's the same concept as PJ'ing with another account if not worse? Admittedly, this only really effects Castle PKing however that's pretty much the only PKing we have anymore. ''You can't log in another account for 60 seconds if your account is in or has been in wilderness!'' but I can pay 2m and be able to withdraw enough food and armour to go PJ who just killed me in 30 seconds.

In my opinion, both ideas/concepts kind of contradict each other, if that's the right word to use. This is just my opinion though. Anyone feel free to chime in about how I'm wrong/right, we all need to come together to make this work.

Last post I'm making in regards to these subjects till I see changes. I didn't want to write so much, but it was hard to condense everything

Last edited by Oopsie (20 Jan 2017 15:43)

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KizL Send PM


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-1 I like it timer could be put down to 30secs though.


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gaylord Send PM


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Most of the people posting on this thread have been here a llong time and have accounts for each PKING level (or even multiple accounts of each level). There are even people who use their desktop computer and their laptop/android device to multi log in wilderness. It's not fair to us casual players who only play maybe a few hours every other day or so.. setting the timer even lower will make things worse for the rest of us, imo...


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Reines Send PM


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The people saying -1 don't pk.


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
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Reines said:

The people saying -1 have lifes**.


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Uncle Send PM


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My thoughts.. You could always just tell the person on a different level account, that you see in the wilderness. Tell them that you are switching accs,  then they wont leave. Works for me. What do i know though big_smile

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Oopsies Back Send PM


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Mod Uncle said:

My thoughts.. You could always just tell the person on a different level account, that you see in the wilderness. Tell them that you are switching accs,  then they wont leave. Works for me. What do i know though big_smile

Sure. Perhaps that works for you and I'm glad it does work for you however that doesn't mean it works for everyone else

Going back to my earlier point, honestly, why should we have to even ask? The wild has become one big deathmatch arena. If my flats character can not help my level 50 char in combat and also can't trade food, what's the issue of me hopping on either of those from either. There is literally no advantage there whatsoever. Also, this is what Android people have been doing for a long time now, I even know many, some friends some not, who level switch / PJ blah blah blah using Android. Not very fair on us PC users!!!

More accounts in wild = more accounts to PK. If they can't interact with each other, what's the issue.

Last edited by Oopsies Back (21 Jan 2017 14:46)

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GLeU Send PM


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gaylord said:

Most of the people posting on this thread have been here a llong time and have accounts for each PKING level (or even multiple accounts of each level). There are even people who use their desktop computer and their laptop/android device to multi log in wilderness. It's not fair to us casual players who only play maybe a few hours every other day or so.. setting the timer even lower will make things worse for the rest of us, imo...


do you even pk rofl? dont think so. were also not asking to be able to PJ our own accounts. we just want to be able to log into our lvl 50-60s when we see someone, while were on our flats sitting at castle with a thumb up our asses.

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Reines Send PM


Posts: 245

dead wild zzzz

soon these weird skillers will get over fishing cooking herblaw etc when no cunt fuckin buys food  pots..... because they called for 1 ip


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Stolt Archer Send PM


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Maddog jamie said:

Reines said:

dead wild zzzz

soon these weird skillers will get over fishing cooking herblaw etc when no cunt fuckin buys food  pots..... because they called for 1 ip

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KizL Send PM


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Stolt Archer said:

Maddog jamie said:

Reines said:

dead wild zzzz

soon these weird skillers will get over fishing cooking herblaw etc when no cunt fuckin buys food  pots..... because they called for 1 ip

Or maybe you could all go anhero


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Pegi Send PM


From: Helsinki, Finland
Posts: 393

don't know if disabling staking for couple days a week would bring couple more PK'ers into the wilderness. since wilderness is P2P at the times, i feel it's reasonable to have staking disabled as well for the equality. stakers never have any limits meanwhile whole PK'ing scene is full of rules and limits.


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Pegi Send PM


From: Helsinki, Finland
Posts: 393

Maddog jamie said:

Pegi said:

don't know if disabling staking for couple days a week would bring couple more PK'ers into the wilderness. since wilderness is P2P at the times, i feel it's reasonable to have staking disabled as well for the equality. stakers never have any limits meanwhile whole PK'ing scene is full of rules and limits.

What does the timer have to do with staking? Q.Q

post started with PK'ing is dead as fk.

yes, otherwise it wouldn't.
