Bernie Is My Comrade

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"I want Hillary Clinton to be our next president." -Everyone against Bernie

Billy Mays' Quest Reviews[img][/img]

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
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Sorry Jedi that's TRUMP

Bernies a damn Jew how the fuck would he even be a commie?



Last edited by KizL (21 Apr 2016 21:30)

IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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OxiClean Send PM


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Well, Jews are just people, so of course Jews can be communists, or capitalists, etc. like everyone else. But Bernie Sanders is not a communist.

Quick lesson for everyone: Democratic socialism as Sanders defines it, is nothing more than the New-Deal-era Democrat ideology espoused by FDR in the 40s. People called FDR a communist back then and it is just as inane as calling Sanders a commie now. Democratic socialism is just reformist capitalism. In fact Democratic Socialists like Sanders have been the sworn enemies of Communists since Marx or earlier, since Democratic Socialists like Sanders are seeing as attempting to salvage and perpetuate capitalism, rather than moving on to a completely new system.

tl;dr democratic socialism is a form of capitalism, and has hurt communism's popularity throughout history. if you are FOR a communist revolution, try to get someone into office who will INCREASE inequality, like a Trump, Cruz, or Clinton.

Billy Mays' Quest Reviews[img][/img]

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fear nothing Send PM


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Democratic socialism has never work in the history of planet earth nor will it ever.


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OxiClean Send PM


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fear nothing said:

Democratic socialism has never work in the history of planet earth nor will it ever.


Billy Mays' Quest Reviews[img][/img]

Proxicity Send PM


From: A nice farm upstate
Posts: 167

Billy, you're awesome, but as a friend, I'm telling you (and everyone else who will listen): Stop feeding this troll. He's textbook. That's the really sad part. It's not the things he says, it's the fact that he's so predictable and generic. It shows his lack of creativity and imagination. He's a walking cliche. I don't think he believes any of the stuff he says. But even if he does, his goal is not to persuade people to his view and have an intelligent conversation, it's just to troll.

I just wish everyone would stop acknowledging this supremely anti social douche. P.S. if he responds to my post, I already know what he will say. I won't put the prediction here though, because if he knows what I think he'll say, he'll say something else instead. But I hope he doesn't respond at all tbh.

Last edited by Proxicity (22 Apr 2016 09:24)

I once was a good boy. There. That's my signature. I dunno man,

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pepster Send PM


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Proxicity said:

Billy, you're awesome, but as a friend, I'm telling you (and everyone else who will listen): Stop feeding this troll. He's textbook. That's the really sad part. It's not the things he says, it's the fact that he's so predictable and generic. It shows his lack of creativity and imagination. He's a walking cliche. I don't think he believes any of the stuff he says. But even if he does, his goal is not to persuade people to his view and have an intelligent conversation, it's just to troll.

I just wish everyone would stop acknowledging this supremely anti social douche. P.S. if he responds to my post, I already know what he will say. I won't put the prediction here though, because if he knows what I think he'll say, he'll say something else instead. But I hope he doesn't respond at all tbh.



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KizL Send PM


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fear nothing said:

Democratic socialism has never work in the history of planet earth nor will it ever.

It worked on your moms butt hole.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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fear nothing Send PM


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bernie sanders will not be elected. rip smart phone kids


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
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fear nothing said:

bernie sanders will not be elected. rip smart phone kids

you're a dumb phone kid,


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Capowned Send PM


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Nobody who is running for President even deserves the position. But out of the three relevant contenders (Trump, Sanders, Clinton) I'd have to agree that Bernie is by far the worst available option. At least Hillary and Donald have basic understand of economics.


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fear nothing Send PM


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Last edited by fear nothing (23 Apr 2016 02:42)


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KizL Send PM


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Capowned said:

Nobody who is running for President even deserves the position. But out of the three relevant contenders (Trump, Sanders, Clinton) I'd have to agree that Bernie is by far the worst available option. At least Hillary and Donald have basic understand of economics.

So FDR didn't have a basic understanding of economics? oh ok.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Mod Tru Send PM


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fear nothing said:



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fear nothing Send PM


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Mod Tru said:

fear nothing said:


ya i destroy all bernie supporters on this server once i posted this they went silent.


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
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Except i won't even look at that trash from a redneck.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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fear nothing Send PM


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so deal with it...your trolls will never  win. feels good to know me and millions of others agree this is the best thing for this country.


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cry is free Send PM


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Ahahhaha to all the trump haters crying at least it's free bitches Ahahahabbabahab