RSCRevolution Rules & Guidelines

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997


RSCRevolution Rules & Guidelines

By making an account on RSCR, you automatically agree to follow these community guidelines both in-game and on forums. If you cannot abide by these rules for some reason, please exit our website and/or client at this time.

1. No third-party software. We do not allow any bots, auto clickers, color pickers, mouse recorders, or any other third-party programs that give an advantage over legitimate players. If you use third-party software to assist or augment your gameplay, you will be banned permanently. If you are caught botting more than twice, each of your associated characters will be banned permanently.

2. No Real World Trading (RWT). This includes trading or selling any RSCR item, account or service for any non-RSCR item or service (whether in real life or in another game or server). The only legitimate point of contact between the real world economy and our server, is through the purchase of tokens/subscriptions on the RSCR Store. We reserve the right to ban any accounts involved in, and linked to, RWT.

3. No bug abuse. If you find a bug, you are obligated to report it in the bug report section. If it's an exploitable or game-breaking bug, please contact a staff member via PM on the forums instead of posting it in the bug report section. If you are found exploiting any bug for your own personal gain (items/gp, skilling, PKing etc), you will be banned.

4. No abusive language. Users caught being malicious towards other players (spamming, personal insults, real life threats, etc.) will be muted. Repeat offenders who abuse our chat system will be banned. There is a difference between teasing for mere action in game and actually making fun of or insulting someone. In particular:

  • Keep global chat (::1) respectful at all times. PK trash talk, trolling, political flame, sexual language etc. is limited to ::2. By default, Channel 2 is disabled; to enable/disable ::2, type “::togglechannel 2”.
  • Racism is never allowed. If you abuse RSCR to espouse racist slurs, slogans, pictures etc, you will be muted and/or banned.

5. You must be 13 or older to play RSCRevolution or browse our website. If you are aged 13-16, we recommend that you have adult supervision when you play RSCR. If you are younger than 13, we require that you have adult supervision when you play RSCR. Please ensure that you and your child have a working knowledge of the ignore list and disable chat if need be. In addition, players who direct abusive language toward a minor will be dealt with harshly.

6. No scamming of items or account information. Players found scamming others will be jailed and/or banned. Hackers, phishers, password scammers, etc. will be banned. Taking any unfair advantage in an event that would increase chances of winning the prize over others, such as teaming in a non-team event, is prohibited.

7. No advertising. If you want to share a non-RSC-guide website, do so in the off-topic forums. Advertising third party programs, competitors or malicious websites is a bannable offense.

8. No staff impersonation. In addition, usernames created with the intention of impersonating staff will be banned.

9. No violently- or sexually-explicit content. When posting pictures or videos on forums, you have to make sure that it does not contain any sexual act, sexually explicit content, NSFL or gore-related content.

10. Character selling is forbidden, while account sharing is merely unsupported. If you are caught selling a character or account - even for in-game GP - you will be banned. In addition, staff is unable to provide support for account sharing. If betrayed when sharing accounts, there is no recourse. We recommend that you never share your account.

11. No releasing someone else's personal information. Any unauthorized release of another player's personal or real life information will result in a permanent ban for one, or all the offender's characters.

Thank you for taking the time to read our community guidelines. Please remember that we are all guests here and to treat your fellow player with the same respect as if you were their guest. We hope you enjoy your stay at RSCRevolution!

See you in-game

[img][/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img][/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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Evan Send PM


Posts: 254

I will never understand anyone that disagrees with anti-racist policies. This server and the whole RSC private server scene is toxic and it's because half the veterans of priv servers are socially unfit, racist, anti-gay low-lifes, drug addicts, and convicts. It's funny that the reason this server will never grow is because of the utterly shit environment created, ironically, by the people that have supported and participated in private servers the most. For those who know me, you'll know I've massively geared down my activity in game and on the forums and it's because everytime I log on I see shit like the posts above me.

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fear nothing Send PM


Posts: 457

Evan said:

I will never understand anyone that disagrees with anti-racist policies. This server and the whole RSC private server scene is toxic and it's because half the veterans of priv servers are socially unfit, racist, anti-gay low-lifes, drug addicts, and convicts. It's funny that the reason this server will never grow is because of the utterly shit environment created, ironically, by the people that have supported and participated in private servers the most. For those who know me, you'll know I've massively geared down my activity in game and on the forums and it's because everytime I log on I see shit like the posts above me.

Well it bother you and a few....i am a strong minded being so everything you complain about has no effect on me because i do not care. This server is not real to me nor the people who played it.


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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

Pluto said:

Follow these rules and you will be fine... and no, the server wasn't fine with lax rules in the past. I received numerous complaints in the past, and I will never forget one report I got where a player let his younger family member play and he saw some racist words used and he felt so bad about it.

In regards to the PKing subject, save that for another thread.

it was fine till  you guys made a big deal out of it and ran with it

pluto when that guy 1st posted about ur sexuality u came to cas and denied it up and down

then 2 weeks later ur open about it ha...

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

These rules have been around since the beginning of the server. If it's a dealbreaker, time to move on. If not, see you in-game smile

[img][/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img][/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Hi all, this is a friendly and firm reminder that all forms of automated play are strictly forbidden, and result in a permanent ban.

[img][/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img][/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

Thank You I Have Been Waiting For A Rule Update For A While GOOD Job billy

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Hi all, rule #5 and rule #10 have been updated. Please be familiar with these rules.

[img][/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img][/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,661

Rule 10 then is all hear say. Plus even mods sold accounts before... Kinda dumb.

Why the change?


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Evolve Send PM


Posts: 16

You should put in this in the game->Rules/Terms of Service. I did not know this existed when looking for the rules of the game.

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Potato Dwarf Send PM


Posts: 5

How will you stop the incredibly advanced bots? If they are made for RSC that is, (IDK if they are :^/).

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aleo Send PM


Posts: 10


Can't spell asshole without spelling ssh aleo!