Deadman Mode has been released
Deadman mode is a new gamemode you might have heard thing or two about on OldSchool rscrevolution, the difference being that we will execute this idea more like iron-man than running a separate server and this game mode is not seasonal. We are not creating a new server or a world, deadmen will play along with regural players
Deadman mode rules are the following:
General mechanics:
-Full World PVP, except in safe zones: Edgeville, Falador, Yanille and every bank apart from Shantay pass
-Specific parts of world are multi-combat areas, majority of world is single-combat.
-Multi-combat areas are in the major walking intersections in the game like Barbarian Village, Wolf mountain ect.
-Double experience rate(2x RSCR Rates)
-Teleporting and logging out requires you to stand still for 10 seconds.
-Attack range is determined by distance to nearest safe zone(distance to nearest safe zone / 2 = "wilderness level").
Experience Rates:
16X combat experience rate (22X subbed)
12X secondary combat rate (18X Subbed)
8X skilling rate (12X subbed)
Rebuild experience rate: 3X the above
The experience rates are still up for discussion, however this is near the maximum we'll go.
Deadman Appearance:
-Deadman Characters will have their name drawn in blood red, in chat and above head.
-Attack option is only shown on deadman players.

Single-combat area mechanics
-20 Second timer after combat before others can attack
-Timer is reset to 20 seconds on any damage from your opponent.
-You cannot attack anyone else but the person attacking you.
Seperate economy from main game:
* Can't trade or pickup items dropped by regular players
* Can't duel or kill regular players.
* Can't participate in mini-game events
* Seperate Auction House with
only buy offers enabledSkull mechanism:
-Skull default time for 15 minutes, maximum skull time 30 minutes.
-Each time you attack a player while you are skulled, your skull timer is reset and your skull time is extended by two minutes.
-If you attack player 30 or more levels below you, your skull time is set to 30 minutes.
-Your skull timer does not tick down if you stand still. You have to be on the move to lose your skull.
-Players who attack you when you are skulled will not be skulled themselves.
-Safe zones will have high level guards, which will kill any skulled players.
Each time you kill a player, your kill-streak increases. This is indicated by your skull color changing.
Additionally, the amount of Deadman Keys you hold in your inventory is indicated above skull by key icons.

Death in Deadman Mode:
If you die with a skull:
-You will lose percentage from 10 most valuable stacks in your bank to Bank Raid Chest. (Higher level opponent -> smaller percentage)
-You will lose percentage of all unprotected stats (Higher level opponent -> Smaller percentage)
If you die unskulled:
If you have taken damage from a player:
-You will lose smaller percentage from 10 most valuable stacks in your bank to Bank Raid Chest. (Higher level opponent -> smaller percentage)
-You will lose smaller percentage of all unprotected stats (Higher level opponent -> Smaller percentage)
-You will lose all items from your inventory and equipment.
If you have not taken any damage from a player:
-You keep 3 most valuable items
-You don't lose any bank items
-You don't lose any experience
If you die and lose experience; your experience rate for that skill is doubled until you reach the experience you once had.
Bank safe slots
The first 10 items in your bank are safe slots, you won't lose these if you die!

Stat protection
This mechanic has changed during beta!You can protect stats from being reduced on death.
1 Combat skill (attack, strength and defense)
1 Secondary combat skill(prayer, magic and ranged).
3 Skilling stats.
Hitpoints are auto-calculated on death, so your character won't get ruined from dying too much.
You can protect your stats by opening stat menu and right clicking the stat you want to protect, and selecting "Protect <stat>".

Guarded Safe Zones:
Safe zones will have high level guards, which will attack any players with a skull and kill them.
Edgeville, Falador, Yanille and every bank apart from Shantay pass are currently decided to be safe zones.

Bank Raid Keys & Chests:
If you manage to kill a player in Deadman Mode, you will receive a Deadman Key. This key will give you access to chest which contains percentage of 10 most valuable stacks from opponents bank.
Deadman Key:
-Received upon killing a player
-Unlocks bank raid chest
-Cannot be traded, banked, only destroyed.
-When you kill a player who has got Deadman Keys in his inventory, you will get his keys.
-You can only hold maximum of five keys at a time, if you have five keys and kill someone, key will not be dropped.
Bank Raid Chest:
Loot from opening raid chest