Hello RSCRevolution family! Have you noticed that there was a ring slot in the equipment tab, but until now you couldn't use it?
Well everyone, it's time to get your bling on... We're very excited to announce that we have added twelve (12) enchanted rings into the world of rscrevolution!

Rings, rings, rings!
The first five (5) new rings are the enchanted versions of the classic gem rings you have been converting to coins for the last fifteen years. Cast the gem jewelry enchantment spell (formerly "enchant amulet") to empower them. Their names and abilities are as follows:
Ring of Reflection (enchanted Sapphire ring)
a) Chance of dealing 10% damage taken by wearer back to enemy (excludes poison/environmental)
b) Odds of reflecting: (Enemy's hits stat level / 100)
c) Disappears after dealing 24 damage total

Ring of Resistance (enchanted Emerald ring)
a) 33% chance of blocking spell damage taken
b) Disappears after blocking 24 damage

Ring of Embers (enchanted Ruby ring)
a) Never fail iron smelting or cooking
b) Disappears after 50 uses

Ring of Life (enchanted Diamond ring)
a) Automatically teleport wearer to respawn location once reaching 10% of total hits stat or less.
b) Will not work in wilderness or any type of PvP.
c) Disappears after one use

Ring of Riches (enchanted Dragonstone ring)
a) Automatically pick up all stackables from killing NPCs under you
c) 50 kills before destructing

The final seven (7) rings, however, are only obtainable as rare drops from high level NPCs like the KBD or better yet, the Reaper. As such they are highly sought after. The rare ring drops are: Black ring, Scaly ring, Horned ring, Luminous ring, Arrowhead ring, and Sacred ring. They must be enchanted by a specific NPC to unlock the fullest potential of the ring. These powerful rings are:
Mage's Ring (enchanted Luminous ring)
a) Increases spell strength by +1, and spell accuracy by +4
b) Enchanted by Head Wizard (Yanille)

Archer's Ring (enchanted Arrowhead Ring)
a) +2 ranged bonus (basically on par with mage's ring)
b) Enchanted by Lowe (Varrock)

Dragonslayer Ring (enchanted Scaly ring)
a) Anti-dragonbreath properties
b) Enchanted by the Oracle (Oracle mountain West of Edgeville)

Demonslayer Ring (enchanted Horned ring)
a) 50% chance of +9 weaponpower melee attack against demons
b) Enchanted by Traiborn (Draynor Wizard Tower)

Holy Ring (enchanted Sacred ring)(note: Sacred ring is the plain silver looking one)
a) +3 prayer, +1 armor
b) Enchanted by Brother Jered (Monastery West of Edgeville)

Unholy Ring (enchanted Sacred ring)
a. +1 weaponpower, +1 prayer, +1 armor
b. Enchanted by Evil Dan (Varrock)

Obsidian Ring (enchanted Black ring)
a. +2 armor, +2 weaponaim
b. Enchanted by Thormac (South of Seers)

The respective NPCs will require 1,000,000 coins to permanently enchant the ring.
The rings have no requirements, with the exception of the Dragonslayer and Demonslayer rings which require completing the quests of the same name to wield. All rings are p2p items. We hope you enjoy the changes to the game meta that these rings provide, as you will find the various uses of the twelve rings invaluable in various situations. All ring designs and attributes by Billy. Happy hunting for the elite ones!
RSCR Team System
This latest patch adds the highly-anticipated Team System to the world of rscrevolution Classic. With this system, player clans become intrinsic to the new meta of combat- and skill-based play. Aside from formally introducing your clan tag in-game, teams will cooperate to unlock benefits such as: team bank slots, team color for minimap dots, and team skilling levels which allows your team to skill beyond level 99.
First, create your team using the "Team manager" interface in the wrench menu. You can have up to ten members in your team/clan.

Your team tag will be visible to everyone with draw-names enabled! Also, the chat channel for team is ::t
You will immediately have access to a shared bank for your team, as well as to statistics including your team's win/loss ratio. Deathmatch interface to be released at a later date.

Talk to the Team Vendor in Edgeville to adjust the minimap dot and tag color of your team, for easier formations in the wilderness. The Team Vendor sells all upgrades for your team, which cost gold coins to implement.

Finally, the team system adds team skill levels, which unlock perks for your team. While your personal skill levels are capped at 99, your team's skill level starts at 1 and can go up to 255, with each member's activity adding toward the team's skill XP. Perks start at level-80 in the following skills, with more perks to be added:

For example, at lvl-80 fishing, team members will have a chance of noted items.
Take care when creating your team and choosing your name, because if you disband your clan your team bank and XP will disappear!
Tweaks & fixes
Please note the following changes and fixes:
New statistics recording system for players to be used for:- NPC Kill count
- Failed and successful catches in wilderness
- More to come
-Fixed cooking bread dough message error
-Replicated Spear Attributes
-Rune Large smithing requires lvl 92 instead of 93
-Cannon balls now smelt batched
-Iban Blast p2p-only
-Replicated Oyster Pearl Bolts
-Added Oyster Pearl Bolts to crossbows
-Removed fish from end of fatigued message bug
-Misc. grammar corrections
-Fixed text issues with catching trash with big net
-Fly Trap object replicated
RSCRevolution is a living version of rscrevolution Classic so we're always refining our vision for revolutionary new content. Have fun creating your teams and collecting the new rings!
See you in-game,
Billy, n0m, Mod Uncle and the RSCR Team